Establezca su negocio en el Reino Unido con facilidad

Servicios completos de Acconomy para empresarios españoles


¿Es una empresa española que desea expandirse en el Reino Unido pero no sabe por dónde empezar? Acconomy está aquí para ayudarle. Con más de 20 años de experiencia, nos especializamos en asistir a las empresas españolas a establecerse y prosperar en el mercado británico. Desde la provisión de un director residente local hasta la gestión de todas las necesidades de cumplimiento y contabilidad, ofrecemos una solución integral para que su expansión en el Reino Unido sea fluida y exitosa.

Descargue la "Guía para Establecer un Negocio en el Reino Unido" de Acconomy haciendo clic en el botón a continuación:


Servicios Clave

Servicio de Director Residente Local:

  • Nombre un director residente sin necesidad de estar físicamente presente en el Reino Unido.
  • Cumpla fácilmente con los requisitos de registro de empresas en el Reino Unido.

Constitución y Registro de Empresas:

  • Configuración completa de la empresa y registro en Companies House.
  • Asegúrese de cumplir con todos los requisitos legales y regulatorios.

Apertura de Cuenta Bancaria:

  • Asistencia para la apertura de una cuenta bancaria en el Reino Unido.
  • Simplifique las operaciones financieras sin visitar el Reino Unido.

Servicios de Cumplimiento y Regulación:

  • Gestión completa del cumplimiento, incluyendo impuestos, IVA y presentaciones legales.
  • Asegúrese de que su empresa cumpla con todas las regulaciones del Reino Unido.

Contabilidad Continua y Asesoramiento Empresarial:

  • Servicios de contabilidad profesional adaptados a las necesidades de su empresa.
  • Asesoramiento estratégico para ayudarle a crecer y tener éxito en el mercado británico.

¿Por qué elegir Acconomy?

• Experiencia en el apoyo a empresas extranjeras.

• Servicios personalizados para satisfacer las necesidades únicas de las empresas.

• Soluciones fiables y eficientes que garantizan tranquilidad.

• Un socio de confianza en su viaje empresarial en el Reino Unido.

¿Listo para empezar?

¿Listo para comenzar su aventura empresarial en el Reino Unido? Contacte con Acconomy hoy mismo para saber más sobre nuestros servicios y cómo podemos ayudarle a expandirse sin problemas en el mercado británico. Simplemente haga clic en el botón a continuación para reservar una cita con nuestro Director General, Nigel Simmons FCCA. Alternativamente, complete el formulario de contacto en la parte inferior de la página y nos pondremos en contacto con usted.

Wen Nivala, Director, Apption Labs Ltd
"Acconomy have been instrumental in helping us understand our accounting requirements, tax benefits available, how the business should be structured to incentivise employees through an employee share option scheme and what the consequences were when trading in other countries. Acconomy have helped behind the scenes from conception to the thriving business we have today”.

Wen Nivala, Director, Apption Labs Ltd

Navdeep Singla, CEO, On Device Solutions Limited
"Acconomy have been with us from the very beginning when I was an independent consultant. One of the key things I like about Acconomy is they have expanded their services as my requirements have expanded, they’ve kept pace with what I want. We now employ over 100 people. The proactiveness is great and whatever question you throw at Acconomy they come back quickly with a response. They're a great team to work with, very professional and they go out of their way to help you whatever the problem. "

Navdeep Singla, CEO, On Device Solutions Limited

Daniel Lewis, Director, Qmulus Solutions Limited
"Acconomy give us reassurance and peace of mind. We recommend Acconomy to people we know because we have first-hand experience of how they have helped us grow from into a proper Limited company. We have a close relationship with our accountant, they know us and everything about our business. Having the one person that we predominantly deal with but knowing there’s a support matrix behind the scenes, helps us maintain that personal relationship, something that I feel you need between a business and an accountant."    

Daniel Lewis, Director, Qmulus Solutions Limited

Graham Dopheide, Director, FONTOF TESTING (UK) Limited
"I've been a client of Nigel's for almost a decade now. There's a reason for that......if you find a good accountant, stick with them. Nigel's advice is always sound and well thought out, and is backed by a no nonsense approach to getting the job done, whilst still having an excellent sense of humour. I have no hesitation in recommending both him and Acconomy as a smart partner for your business”.

Graham Dopheide, Director, FONTOF TESTING (UK) Limited
Dean Emerson, Director, VICTRIX IT LTD
"I’ve used Acconomy since May 2012, I’ve always had excellent service and have been more than happy, which is why I’ve never looked to moved. Always happy to recommend the service provided by Nigel and his team.”.

Dean Emerson, Director, VICTRIX IT LTD
Antony Davies, Director, AJDCS Ltd
"Nigel and the Company were recommended to me when establishing my own consultancy in 2011. The support I have received is practical, professional and with a great understanding of my business model. I would have no hesitations in recommending Nigel and Acconomy.”.

Antony Davies, Director, AJDCS Ltd
“Nigel and the team have always been exemplary and gone above and beyond on every occasion - they are always available, always professional and always great people to work with. Where some of our questions were nuanced or deeply technical, they always supported us by introducing us to specialist advisors. I would have no hesitation in recommending Acconomy.””

Mike Tinmouth, COO, ACUA Ocean Limited


Are you a serious startup looking for guidance and insight? Are you a growing SME looking for assistance in moving to the next level? Maybe you're based outside the UK and need a local partner for on-the-ground support?

Whatever you’re looking for, please get in touch. We’d love to discuss further how we can help.

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Acconomy, Unit 1,
Bayside Business Centre,
48 Willis Way,
BH15 3TB

Email Us:
Phone: 01202 678993