Referrals are a key source of new business for many firms. Here’s how to ask for referrals in the right way. Many people (including your competitors) are uncomfortable asking for referrals. After all, if you do great work for your clients, the referrals will come, right?
Premium brands enjoy a loyal following and can charge higher prices for their products or services. So how do you create a premium brand?
Growing a business is hard work, particularly during a challenging economic environment. However, now might be the time to increase your market share while your competitors are pulling back. Perhaps some of your competitors are laying off employees and if so, this could be a good time to acquire some talented people from a rival firm. You could also take advantage of less competition from rival firms and try to grow your market share.
In business, critical thinking is the ability to solve problems effectively by gathering key information about the issues at hand, generate further ideas involving a variety of perspectives, evaluating the information using logic and making sure that everyone involved is on board with the decision.
Good results are dependent on good relationships. In order to build a collaborative business from the top down, the management team need to build good connections with each other.